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Happy Beltane with Goddess Brigid!

Honor Goddess Brigid for a blessed Spring & Summer!

Beltane is a festival that marks the beginning of summer in the Celtic calendar, a time of fertility, growth, and abundance where one of the most prominent Goddesses associated with this festival is Brigid, a triple goddess of fire, poetry, and healing.

Brigid, also known as Brigit or Bride, is a beloved deity in Celtic mythology and is often seen as a guardian of the hearth and home. She represents the light half of the year, bringing warmth and inspiration to her followers. Brigid is often portrayed as a fiery, creative force, embodying the energy of the sun and the transformative power of fire.

How can you celebrate Beltane/honor Goddess Brigid?

Since ancient times, Brigid has been honored at Beltane through rituals and offerings, today, Brigid continues to be honored at Beltane in various ways. Many modern pagans and witches light bonfires and decorate altars in her honor, and for purification and inspiration as we celebrate the return of the sun’s warmth.

You can leave out offerings of food), drink, and flowers in her honor, asking for her blessings of fertility, creativity, and protection.

Offerings to Brigid may include items such as hand churned cream, cakes, breads, milk, butter, honey, mead, and herbs, all of which are associated with the themes of abundance and fertility.
You can also offer her items such as candles, crystals, and poetry books, all of which reflect her associations with fire, creativity, and inspiration. People may also leave offerings of handmade crafts or artwork, as Brigid is considered a patron of artists and craftsmen.

This is a time for you to set your sights on the growth you will be acomplishing in the coming months, as Brigid’s relationship to Beltane is closely tied to the themes of fertility and growth that are central to the festival. As a goddess of creativity and inspiration, Brigid is seen as a source of new beginnings and fresh starts, making her energy particularly potent at this time of year- an excellent time to set your plans into motion!

One of the most iconic features of Beltane celebrations is the bonfire, a tradition that can be traced back to the ancient worship of Brigid.

Bonfires are a beautiful way to honor this goddess of fire and sun, and to invite her transformative energy into our lives.
Bonfires are also used for purification rituals, helping to cleanse away the old and make way for the new- so if you have things to release (don’t we all?!) – write them on a piece of paper and let them burn in the bonfire.
If you can not make a bonfire, you can simply light a candle. Spend time staring at the candle as you meditate on gratitude for this new beginning, this Season of fire and sun, and you

By honoring Brigid at Beltane, we invite her blessings of growth, fertility, and abundance into our lives, ensuring that our summer will be filled with warmth and light.

Blessings to you and yours in All Her names ♡

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