
Ritual for Release and Transformation with Goddess Tlazolteotl 

This ritual incorporates elements of ancient Mesoamerican traditions, including a Sacred Cacao ceremony which has both heart-opening and healing properties; an Altar offering with corn as a symbol of abundance and nourishment and color candles each with their own symbolism. Sacred Cacao ritual with Tlazolteotl  Release and transform with the energy of  the powerful Goddess Tlazolteotl, using the ancient Mesoamerican tradition of a cacao ceremony, and through the symbolism of color candles and corn as sacred offerings, as we transform and invite the energy of renewal and purification. Materials Needed: Cacao (raw is best)Four color candles: white, black, red, and greenA  sacred space or AltarA  3 card pull from the Sacred Mothers and Goddesses Oracle Deck Ritual Steps: Preparation: Set up your sacred space or altar where you can connect with the energies of the Full Moon and Goddess Tlazolteotl. Place the corn and cacao as offerings on your altar. Arrange the four color candles in a circle around the offerings. Begin: Begin by centering yourself through deep breathing. Call upon the energy of  Goddess Tlazolteotl to guide you through this ritual of release and transformation. Light the white candle, representing purity and illumination, as you breathe in deeply and thank the Cacao, and Goddess Tlazolteotl for their  love and wisdom. In your mind’s eye, meditate on your intentions for release and transformation, reflecting on what you are ready to let go of and invite positive change into your life. Light the black candle, symbolizing the release of negativity and toxic energies. As it burns, visualize all that no longer serves you being transformed and released into the universe. Light the red candle, representing passion and courage. Call upon the energy of the red candle to ignite your inner fire and empower you to embrace change. Light the green candle, symbolizing growth and renewal. Visualize the seeds of new beginnings being planted within you, nurtured by the fertile energy of the Goddess.  Now it

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The Moirai, “The Weavers of Fate”.

The Moirai, “The Weavers of Fate”. The Moirai consisted of three sisters: Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. Clotho, the spinner who spins the thread of life; Lachesis, the measurer who determines the length of one’s life; and Atropos, the cutter who chooses the moment of death. Together, they symbolize the cycle of birth, life, and death, weaving the tapestry of fate that binds all beings. Clotho, the Spinner: Clotho is responsible for spinning the thread of life. She symbolizes the beginning of life, the moments of birth and the potential that lies within every individual. Lachesis, the Measurer: Lachesis is tasked with measuring the length of each individual’s thread of life. She determines the fate of every being, deciding the course of their existence and the events that will unfold along their journey. Lachesis symbolizes the passage of time, the moments of decision and choices that shape our destiny. Atropos, the Cutter: Atropos is the inevitable end, the one who cuts the threads of life when the time comes for a mortal to pass into the realm of death. She wields the shears that severs the threads, marking the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. Atropos symbolizes the finality of death, the closure of one cycle and the transition into the next. The Moirai were revered and feared by both gods and mortals alike. Their power is absolute, and even the mightiest of deities were subject to the threads they wove.  The Oracle Message of the Moirai: The Moirai speak to us of the inevitability of fate and the power of choice within that framework. Their oracle message reminds us that while destiny may shape the path we walk, we hold the reins of our own journey. They encourage us to embrace the threads of our lives with

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 Goddess Aine Reclaim Joy

Goddess Aine Reclaim Joy: Goddess Aine comes to you with a powerful message of reclaiming joy in your life. If you have been experiencing disharmony or imbalanced partnerships, it is time to reconnect with the essence of joy that you once knew in your childhood. Aine reminds you that joy can be found in the simplest of things and that you have the power to infuse your life with happiness once again.  In today’s fast-paced world, we often forget how to truly experience joy. We get caught up in responsibilities, stress, and the demands of daily life. But Aine encourages you to pause, take a deep breath, and remember the things that used to make you smile as a child. Revisit activities that brought you pure bliss, whether it’s dancing, painting, singing, playing in nature, or connecting with loved ones. Reclaiming joy is not about ignoring your challenges or responsibilities but rather about finding balance and allowing yourself to experience happiness amidst it all. Embracing joy will help you create a positive mindset, enhance your overall well-being, and attract more harmonious and joyful experiences into your life. To gain insight into where you currently stand in terms of reclaiming joy in your life, you can try the following card spread: Card 1: Current State of Joy – This card represents your current level of joy and how it is influencing your life. Card 2: Childhood Joy – This card signifies the aspects of joy that you experienced in your childhood. It offers guidance on rediscovering those simple pleasures.  Card 3: Blocks and Challenges – This card reveals any obstacles or patterns that are preventing you from embracing joy fully. Card 4: Joyful Activities – This card suggests specific activities or practices that can help you reconnect with joy and infuse it into your daily life. Card 5: Future Joy

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Asherah, Queen of the Heavens

Asherah, Canaanite Goddess and consort of Yahweh. She is known as the “Queen of the Heavens”, also known as Ishtar in Mesopotamia, Ashtoret in Syria-Palestine as Ashtartu in Egypt, and to the Greeks She was Astarte. The names all share a root in a Semitic word that means irrigation, as such, she is associated with growth (particularly groves and fruit trees) and waters that give fertility to the land.  She is the Primordial and Supreme Goddess of Creation, as powerful as God. She is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, Sacred and Divine.  As the mother of over 70 gods, She is the primordial goddess of Motherhood, Fertility and Divinity.She is the one to go to at times of overwhelming odds, for deaths, births and all important passages of life.  Her worshippers used small clay images on their Altars, most of which were commercially manufactured from molds by Hebrew and Canaanite artisans, intended for home use, and they celebrated Her with fertility rituals and festivals. However She is most often represented by the Asherah- a Sacred tree or pole planted in the ground, to honor the Goddess,  and emphasizing Her relationship to trees; in fact, Bible scholars report that the Christmas tree was initially venerated in honor of the Goddess. Whether the Hebrews learned her worship from the Canaanites or whether Goddess Asherah is an indigenous Hebrew Goddess remains a mystery, but we know that She was important enough to be mentioned 40 times in the Bible (one of Her well known Priestesses was Jezebel). The Bible gives the impression that all ancient Jews shared a common belief system … with only an occasional group straying from the fold. But the evidence paints a different picture. As Dr. Patai states, “… it would be strange if the Hebrew-Jewish religion, which flourished for centuries in a region of intensive goddess cults, had remained immune to them.” Archaeologists have uncovered Hebrew

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Brigid Imbolc Celebration

On Imbolc, I will set up an Altar for Brigid, and welcome Brigid’s sculpture to our Sacred Mothers and Goddesses Collection with homemade butter to bless and “fertilize” this new Altar Art for Brigid. It is said that Goddess Brigid would travel around farms all over Ireland with her white cow and bless the animals. So on this day, butter would be churned and placed with fresh bread, and some corn meal for her cow and left sitting out on the windowsill.  Furthermore, according to Kevin Danaher, in The Year in Ireland, butter served on Brigid’s Feast Day had to be churned on the same day. This may have been because, according to this wonderful source of Imbolc folklore and history, the churning of butter with a dash (a staff or plunger) was necessary for the fertilization of the Brídeóg (a doll or effigy of Brigid) – so this is perfect if you purchase our Brigid Sculpture, and/or if you make your own Brigid doll.    To make some butter to honor Brigid on Her day,    You need a high fat content cream to make butter. Heavy whipping cream or heavy cream simply place a clean marble in a baby food jar and pour in some room temperature full cream. Pour the heavy whipping cream into a glass jar and screw the lid on tight, and shake vigorously for five minutes or so until you get past the whipped cream stage, then to the stage where you will feel a solid bouncing around in the jar with a liquid, that solid is the homemade butter- so you stop shaking at this point.- do not over shake, or they will remix and the butter is ruined. You then strain and rinse the butter. Do not toss the liquid, as you can use it to make smoothies, oatmeal, soups,

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Greek Goddess Persephone, daughter of the God Zeus, and Demeter, Goddess of the harvest.  Persephone’s name translates to “destroying face” and research shows her to be an ancient goddess of death, and some scholars say she is the original ruler of the Underworld. This leaves the possibility that Hades had to marry her in order to bring balance back to the Underworld, and to ally with her before she grew up to reclaim her place as the ruler of the Underworld on her own.  She is a powerful Goddess, known by many names, to include: “Queen of the Dead”, “The Pure One,” “Destroyer”, “The Venerable One,” and “The Great Goddess” – among others. First known as Kora (or Kore), She was the Goddess of Spring, until her disappearance into the underworld when Hades, the god of the Underworld, asked his brother – her father- Zeus, for her hand in marriage, and Zeus accepted without Demeter’s knowledge. Hades kidnapped Kora when she was picking flowers with her Nymph, who wept herself into a lake, meanwhile Kora disappeared into the Underworld, and she lost her name Kora. her name for childhood and innocence, and is rebirthed into Persephone, Goddess of the Underworld.  As Persephone settled into her role beside Hades in the Underworld, her mother Demeter was beside herself in despair over the loss of her daughter and sought her to no avail. The Goddess of Maize held back her nurturing energy from the Earth, which could endure Demeter’s sadness no more, as animals and humans began to die.  Soon, Zeus, and Hecate stepped in to intervene and helped Hades come to an agreement with Demeter in order for Persephone to be allowed to return home. Hades agreed, but under the condition that Persephone not eat anything while in the Underworld. There are many stories about how Persephone procures a pomegranate, which was believed to be food of the dead, but she ate six of its seeds, thus forever

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