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Caminos 6

The last in the Caminos Series– is also the first. It is an end, thus a beginning… the Tree of Life, the Moon, a labyrinth and worlds within…..
As you look at this piece, 
What do you see?
 The shedding continues with Goddess Angitia as we become more fully aware of who we are underneath, at our core and essence. The “skin” comes off, we release and leave behind the toxic people and events that have shaped us until now.
You realize what is essential to your soul.
You are shedding and renewing.
 You are figuring out where you want to go with your new self, which is the new Camino/path you want to embark upon, what do you want to experience next?  It is time to move ahead and travel the labyrinth of your soul to come out at the other end as your new self and into your new life. 

There may be set backs as you travel on your Camino, these are not easy times…when painful memories come in to remind you of the past or old triggers, be aware that these start a wheel in motion, feelings, thoughts …all which belong in the past. They are not occurring at this NOW moment. Let it go. 
Realize where you are right now, this is your life to live.

Release, shed, and shed some more. We are all going through this at this time all around the globe, this maximizes the energy as the collective is moving in the same direction at the same time. Honor your feelings, yet remain strong in knowing that YOU are a divine being. 

I hope you have enjoyed this series which I hope will be part of my second Sacred Mothers and Goddesses Oracle Deck.

Sending love,