Butterfly Maiden
[ Sacred Mothers and Goddesses ]

Thunder Moon

The Thunder Moon, also known as the Buck Moon or Hay Moon, will illuminate the skies under the influence of Capricorn, a sign known for its perseverance and ambition.

The Thunder Moon derives its name from Native American traditions, honoring the July full moon when thunderstorms frequently punctuate the summer skies. These storms serve as potent symbols of rebirth and transformation, nature’s dramatic reminders of cleansing and renewal. As dark clouds gather and thunder rumbles, it signifies a profound process of purification akin to a spiritual “dark night of the soul.”

In ancient traditions, such as those of the Native Americans, Lunar cycles intertwine with feminine divinities associated with transformation. Two such goddesses from the Sacred Mothers and Goddesses Oracle Deck are Tlazolteotl and Butterfly Maiden:

  • Tlazolteotl: Known in Aztec mythology as the goddess of purification and fertility, Tlazolteotl represents the transformative power of confession and forgiveness. She encourages individuals to confront their shadows and embrace renewal through honest introspection.

  • Butterfly Maiden: In Native American traditions, particularly among the Hopi and Navajo, Butterfly Maiden symbolizes metamorphosis and the cycle of life. She teaches the beauty of transformation and the importance of embracing change as a natural part of existence.

Offerings for Transformation:

  • Tlazolteotl: Known in Aztec mythology as the goddess of purification and fertility, Tlazolteotl represents the transformative power of confession and forgiveness. She encourages individuals to confront their shadows and embrace renewal through honest introspection.

  • Butterfly Maiden: In Native American traditions, particularly among the Hopi and Navajo, Butterfly Maiden symbolizes metamorphosis and the cycle of life. She teaches the beauty of transformation and the importance of embracing change as a natural part of existence.

Offerings for Transformation:

: Representations of her, Cornmeal, flowers (especially marigolds), or copal incense. A heartfelt prayer or meditation focusing on personal growth and cleansing would be deeply meaningful.

 Butterfly Maiden: Representations of her, Colorful flowers like butterfly bush or butterfly weed, as well as items symbolizing change such as feathers or small representations of butterflies. A ritual dance or meditation reflecting on personal evolution and embracing new beginnings would resonate with her energy.

Embracing the Thunder Moon’s energy and connecting with these transformative goddesses can empower us to release what no longer serves us, inviting in positive change and spiritual growth as we journey through this profound lunar phase.

Creating a sacred vessel to harness the energy of the Thunder Moon involves using a special object imbued with intention. Here’s how you can create such a vessel:

  1. Sacred Object: Choose an object that is special to you and that can hold water. This object will serve as your sacred vessel.

  2. Cleansing and Charging: Cleanse the object using your preferred method, such as smudging or rinsing with saltwater, to clear it of any previous energies. Then, place it under the light of the full Thunder Moon, to charge it with the Moon’s powerful energy.

  3. Infusing with Full Moon Water: On the night of the full Thunder Moon, fill your sacred vessel with pure water and place it where it can absorb the Moonlight overnight. This water will become infused with the energy of the full moon.

  4. Morning Ritual: The next morning, drink the water, expressing gratitude to Spirit for assistance in letting go of what no longer serves you.

  5. Letting Go Ritual: Throughout the lunar cycle leading to the next full moon, whenever you feel triggered or need to release something, write down those feelings or thoughts on tiny pieces of paper.

  6. Collect and Release: Keep these notes in your sacred vessel. At the end of the cycle, during the next full moon, burn these notes in a safe and respectful manner, symbolically releasing them to the universe.

Three Questions for the 3-Card Pull with the Sacred Mothers and Goddesses Oracle Deck:

  1. Question 1: What is the primary emotional or spiritual blockage I need to release under this Thunder Moon?

  2. Question 2: How can I best harness the transformative energy of the Thunder Moon to aid in my personal growth and renewal?

  3. Question 3: Which Goddess will be with me, helping me navigate this period of release and renewal?