
Iris. Goddess Of Rainbow, Bridges and Divine Hope

The ancient Greeks knew her as the swift-winged messenger who created pathways of color across storm-darkened skies. Today, Iris—goddess of the rainbow, divine messenger, and creator of sacred bridges—continues to guide those seeking connection, hope, and affirmation across life’s most challenging transitions. THE RAINBOW GODDESS: A DEITY FOR MODERN TIMES In a world where many feel isolated, misunderstood, or separated from loved ones, Iris’s ancient wisdom offers profound comfort. Her very essence—creating bridges of spectacular color between heaven and earth—speaks to anyone seeking connection across seemingly impossible divides. Unlike many deities associated with specific domains like war, love, or wisdom, Iris’s gift is uniquely powerful: she creates pathways where none existed before. This ability to forge connections between separate realms makes her an especially significant goddess for: WORKING WITH IRIS: PRACTICES FOR RAINBOW BRIDGES Hope Through Life’s Darkest Storms Iris’s rainbows appear specifically after storms—when rain and sunlight interact to create something beautiful from elements that seemed in opposition. This natural phenomenon mirrors the goddess’s spiritual teaching: that our most profound connections and transformations often emerge from our greatest challenges. For anyone experiencing depression, grief, isolation, or uncertainty about the future, Iris brings a powerful message: storms pass. The darkest clouds eventually give way to light. And sometimes, the most beautiful bridges in our lives form precisely because we’ve weathered difficult transitions. LGBTQIA+ Journeys and Affirmation The rainbow flag that symbolizes LGBTQIA+ pride and diversity finds a powerful ancient precedent in Iris’s divine rainbow. As an archetype, Iris celebrates the beautiful spectrum of human identity and expression. Her rainbow doesn’t merely tolerate differences—it celebrates them as essential to the complete picture. For those navigating gender transitions or seeking affirmation of their authentic selves, Iris offers divine validation. Her essence reminds us that diversity itself is sacred, and that our truest

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Coatlicue, Aztec Mother of Divine Strength

Coatlicue, the powerful Aztec “Goddess of the Serpent Skirt” and Mother of Divine Strength who stands as the great protector of those who must walk their divine path even when their most beloved become their greatest challengers. While sweeping at her temple, Coatlicue encountered a ball of brilliant feathers that descended from the sky. When she placed them at her breast, she became mysteriously pregnant – a divine intervention that would tear her family apart. Her daughter Coyolxauhqui, filled with judgment and shame, rallied her siblings to destroy their mother. In this moment of profound betrayal, as her own children plotted against her on the sacred mountain, Coatlicue stood unflinching in her power. From her womb emerged Huitzilopochtli, fully armored and ready for battle, defending his mother against those who would destroy her. This devastating family battle teaches us that divine protection arrives in unexpected ways, especially when our own blood turns against us. Her story shows that standing in our truth may cost us dearly, yet in our darkest moments of rejection, unseen forces rise to guard us. Coatlicue’s energy in the Sacred Powers and Goddesses Oracle is one of profound protection during crisis. She guides those navigating: Family estrangement and rejection Cultural or generational divisions Paths that loved ones don’t understand The need to stand alone in one’s truth Visit our blog for a deeper exploration of Coatlicue’s wisdom and a special boundary-setting ritual inspired by her protective energy. Available now: Canvas Reproductions  Original Oil Painting [Link] Remember: Coatlicue will be part of our upcoming Sacred Powers and Goddesses Oracle Deck launching on Kickstarter March 11th! We need YOUR help to bring her protective energy and that of 40 other goddesses into the world. Sign up for exclusive updates. Blessings in All Her names,Claudia Upcoming Sacred Powers and Goddesses Oracle

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Fortuna: Ancient Goddess of Fortune & Abundance + Special Money Bowl Ritual

Fortuna: Ancient Goddess of Fortune & Modern Abundance Practice | Money Bowl Ritual Guide In the vast pantheon of Roman deities, Fortuna stands unique as the goddess who governed both fate and fortune. Daughter of Jupiter himself, she wasn’t just about lucky breaks – she represented the divine force behind life-changing opportunities and the courage to seize them. The Power of Fortuna in Modern Times While ancient Romans consulted Fortuna before opening their shops or embarking on ventures, her wisdom remains remarkably relevant today. In our era of economic uncertainty and rapid change, Fortuna teaches us that true prosperity comes from remaining open to opportunity while taking inspired action. Unlike mere chance, Fortuna represents divine timing and prepared reception. Her blindfold symbolizes impartiality – abundance flows to those ready to receive it, regardless of their starting point. Her cornucopia, eternally overflowing with golden abundance, reminds us that prosperity is an endless stream when we align with its flow. Creating a Fortuna Money Bowl: A Prosperity Ritual A money bowl is a powerful tool for working with Fortuna’s energy, especially during the new moon phase. Here’s how to create your own: What You’ll Need: A green or gold bowl Fortuna’s image Green candle Coins (at least 9) Cinnamon sticks Bay leaves Green aventurine or citrine crystals (optional) Small dish of salt Setting Up Your Prosperity Altar: Choose a Private Space Select a quiet corner where your bowl won’t be disturbed. The southeast corner of your home or office is traditionally associated with wealth energy. Create Sacred Space Clean your altar area thoroughly Place Fortuna’s image at the back center Position your bowl before her Set the green candle to her right The Ritual Light your green candle, stating your intention for prosperity Place the salt in your bowl (representing preservation of

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New Moon & Lunar New Year Magic: Honoring Quan Yin in Times of Change

​  ​New Moon & Lunar New Year Magic: Honoring Quan Yin in Times of Change This January brings us a magical convergence. The New Moon on January 25th flows directly into the Lunar New Year on January 29th, creating perfect conditions for transformation and peace work with Quan Yin’s loving energy. Sacred Snake Wisdom for 2025 As we ente​r the Year of the Wood Snake, Quan Yin’s presence carries special significance. In her sacred iconography, the Snake represents divine protection and the transformation of fear into wisdom. This ancient symbol bridges earthly and celestial realms, bringing sacred feminine power into harmony with Snake energy. The Wood Snake year of 2025 deepens this symbolism. Wood element brings growth and flexibility, while Snake years traditionally usher in significant social and cultural change. Together with Quan Yin’s compassionate wisdom, this suggests a year of powerful but balanced transformation, with special emphasis on environmental protection and community leadership emerging from wisdom rather than force. This particular Wood Snake year invites us to embody Quan Yin’s ability to move like water while carrying Snake strength – fluid yet powerful, compassionate yet fierce in protection of what matters. Sacred Beginnings In these challenging times, when many hearts feel heavy with concern for our country’s future, we turn to Quan Yin’s infinite compassion. The darkness of the New Moon offers us sacred space to plant seeds of peace and transformation. Through creating a sigil infused with our deepest prayers for national healing, we anchor these intentions in both spirit and matter. Creating Your Sacred Space Create a peaceful altar with a white cloth, pink or white flowers, and an image of Quan Yin. Add a bowl of pure water, white candle, and any jade or crystals that call to you. The gentle scent of sandalwood or lotus

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Wildfire Calming Ritual with Pachamama. A focused petition spell for California

Materials: – Blue candle or white (representing calm and cooling energy)– Rosemary (protection)– Pink Himalayan salt (purification and safety)– Small bowl of snow, or fresh water Create a sigil from: “CALM BRING PEACE”1. Remove vowels: CLM BRN G PC2. Remove duplicates: C L M  B R G P3. Create a Sigil with remaining letters and carve into your candle in flowing lines Create Sacred Space and Ritual1. Create a circle of pink salt around your space2. Cleanse your candle with your choice smoke offering3. Anoint the candle first with olive oil (or avocado oil) and roll in crushed rosemary4. Light your candle and center yourself with three breaths 5. Call to Pachamama, you can say this or something like it: Pachamama, Mother of All, Present in mountain and valley, Guide this work of restoration,Bring balance to your lands, save the plants, the waters, keep your animals both domestic and wildlife safe and bring peace to their hearts. Gentle calm to wild windsProtection to all creatures. Safety for those who protec and healthy renewal and balance to the land. Safety for all, and peace to troubled heartsAs you do this, visualize the winds becoming gentle breezes, and in your mind’s eye, picture the animals finding safe passage, safety and home.By your wisdom, Pachamama, let balance return for the highest good of all, and so it is.  Remember to take practical action too – consider donating to wildlife rehabilitation centers or supporting firefighter relief funds in California. 

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Welcoming 2025 with Pachamama, our Goddess of the Year

Welcome Pachamama as our Goddess for 2025 under a powerful Black Moon! Pachamama, the ancient Andean Mother Earth goddess joins us as we step into the new year with intention…and fun! Pachamama: Our Guardian for 2025 This year, we’re especially honored to welcome Pachamama as Goddess for the Community!In Andean mythology, Pachamama/Mother Earth, represents fertility, abundance, and the cyclical nature of life – making her a perfect goddess for new beginnings. Here are a couple of ways to work with the beautiful energy of the Black Moon, Pachamama/Mother Earth and the New Year: Black Moon Water RitualThe Black Moon occurring this New Year’s provides a rare opportunity for powerful manifestation work. Create moon water during this time and harness the energy of both endings and beginnings – perfect for New Year intentions. Place pure water under the dark sky, allowing it to absorb both the Black Moon’s energy of release and the New Year’s energy of possibility. Use this water throughout the year in rituals, and altar cleansing. New Year’s Candle Blessing: Honoring Pachamama Dress your candle with: – Patchouli or vetiver oil for grounding– Ground dried corn, ground dry quinoa-for Pachamama* Orange Peel: joy, happiness, vitality.* Lavender: calm, contentment, and peace* Chamomile:  peace, calm, and soothing energy.* Rosemary: Protects and promotes mental clarity* Cinnamon: abundance, wealth, and prosperity.* Basil:  good fortune, wealth, and success.* Bay Leaves:  prosperity and success, manifesting goals.* Rose Petals: love, romance, and affection.* Jasmine: attracting love, positive energy, emotional connection. Anoint Candle: As you dress your candle, invoke Pachamama’s blessings of abundance, fertility, and protection for the coming year. Use a small amount of essential oil to anoint the candle. Rub the oil gently from the top to the base, focusing on your intention as you do so. Add the Herbs: Roll the candle in the

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