[ Sacred Mothers and Goddesses ]

Mother’s Day Rituals, Mother Wound, Motherly Goddesses

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderFULL Mamas out there!
Embracing the Divine Mother: Honoring Motherhood Through the Ages

In every culture, across the expanse of time, the role of the mother has been revered, and celebrated. From the earliest civilizations to modern society, the concept of motherhood has been intertwined with the Divine, the Sacred and mystical, manifesting in various Goddesses and Sacred mothers revered as symbols of maternal love, nurturing, and protection.

A loving mother is a gift, it is where unconditional love resides!

As we celebrate Mother’s Day and reflect on the multifaceted nature of motherhood, let us honor the divine feminine in all its forms. Whether through ancient goddess worship, personal rituals, or acts of self-care and compassion, may we embrace the nurturing energies that sustain us and offer solace to those navigating the complexities of maternal relationships. Remember, the essence of motherhood transcends time and space, weaving a tapestry of love, resilience, and interconnectedness that unites us all.

However, not all of us have had the joy of experiencing this kind of love from our mothers, some of us may have lost our mothers, been estranged from our mothers, have mothers who are abusive, etc. Let’s delve into the rich tapestry of motherly Goddesses from the Sacred Mothers and Goddesses collection, explore the historical reverence for mothers, acknowledge the pain of hurt, loss, and offer healing rituals for those whose maternal experiences created within us a mother wound.

On this Mother’s Day, I want to extend a heartfelt message of compassion, understanding, and hope. For those who have experienced the pain of maternal neglect, abuse, or absence, this day may evoke a mix of emotions – sorrow, longing, and perhaps even resentment. But amidst the shadows of the past, there lies a glimmer of light – the opportunity for healing and transformation.

As you navigate the complexities of your journey, I want you to know that you are not alone. Your experiences, your struggles, and your resilience are seen and valued. And as you bravely confront the wounds of the past, you are not just healing yourself – you are rewriting the narrative for future generations. Indeed, it was through my own healing experience with my mother which led me to creating the Sacred Mothers and Goddesses Oracle Deck, a work still in progress- as is my own healing and evolution journey!

Honoring Motherhood Through History

Since ancient times, societies have honored motherhood through rituals, ceremonies, and religious practices. Archeological evidence provides glimpses into how mothers were celebrated in the past.

In ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Greece, goddesses like Isis, and Demeter were revered as embodiments of motherhood. These deities were worshipped for their nurturing qualities, fertility blessings, and protective instincts, reflecting the deep cultural reverence for mothers and their vital role in society. We find these maternal goddesses throughout the world, in Mexico we have Ixchel, in Chile we have Kuyen, we have Oshun from Nigeria, Quan Yin from China, to name a few.

Navigating the Pain of Loss

While motherhood is often associated with love and nurturing, it’s also a journey marked by loss and grief. The death of a mother can leave an indelible void, stirring feelings of sorrow, longing, and remembrance. On Mother’s Day, many individuals grapple with the pain of losing their mothers, yearning for their presence and guidance.

Moreover, for those who experienced maternal neglect or abuse, Mother’s Day can evoke complex emotions. It’s essential to acknowledge and honor these feelings, allowing space for healing and self-compassion.

Rituals for Healing Mother Wounds

For those carrying the weight of mother wounds, engaging in healing rituals can offer solace and restoration. One such ritual involves a card pull with the Sacred Mothers and Goddesses collection:

  1. Create a sacred space conducive to introspection and meditation. Light a candle, incense, sounds and other things that help to bring you to a place of stillness and sacred space.
  2. Go through your Sacred Mothers and Goddesses Oracle deck and choose the cards you feel are depicting motherly goddesses from the collection.
  3. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and focus on your intention to heal.
  4. Shuffle the cards mindfully, then draw one with intention and gratitude for her energy as She is stepping forward for you.
  5. Reflect on the qualities of the goddess depicted on the card. Visualize her presence enveloping you with love, compassion, and maternal guidance.
  6. Why do you think she has stepped forward for you? How can you use her energy to help you heal your heart? Journal about your experiences and insights gained from the ritual.
Offerings and Devotions

To honor motherly goddesses and cultivate a deeper connection with maternal energies, consider making offerings such as:

  • Fresh flowers symbolizing beauty, growth, and renewal.
  • Nurturing herbs like lavender or chamomile for relaxation and healing.
  • Sweet treats like honey or chocolates as offerings of sweetness and indulgence.
  • Scented candles that promote a feeling of warmth and sweetness
As you journey through the process of healing from the mother wound, you embark on a profound inner transformation. By embracing our pain with courage and compassion, you pave the way for personal growth, resilience, and self-discovery. Healing from the mother wound allows you to cultivate greater empathy, understanding, and forgiveness (forgiving yourself as well as others) as it empowers you to break free from cycles of hurt and dysfunction, fostering deeper connections, and ultimately, guiding us towards becoming more wholehearted, compassionate, and authentic individuals.  

As you embark on the path of healing, you are not just reclaiming your own story – you are reshaping the legacy of motherhood itself. Whether you are a mother or not, with each step forward, with each act of self-compassion and forgiveness, you are paving the way for a brighter, more nurturing future – both for yourself and for your loved ones.

So, on this Mother’s Day, I encourage you to honor the strength and resilience that resides within you. Embrace the healing journey with courage and grace, knowing that every step you take brings you closer to becoming the person and the mother you were always meant to be.

With love in All Her names, Claudia

Forget the Mess and Clutter
Its the hugs and memories that matter!

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