[ Sacred Mothers and Goddesses ]

Full Moon Abundance Ritual


Tonight’s Full Moon in Pisces illuminates the sky taking us into the changes of Autumn and the last months of the year. 

Each week, I pull a card for the collective, this week we have a powerful message from the goddess Lakshmi, reminding us to embrace abundance in all its forms, all of which makes our life rich – be it love, finances, friendships, creativity, health, or spiritual growth.

Full Moons are always a time for reflection, healing, and releasing what no longer serves us and with Lakshmi’s energy guiding us, we’re especially being called to examine our relationship with abundance in its many expressions. Are you open to receiving the universe’s gifts in all areas of your life, or are you unknowingly blocking your blessings? Meditate on this with the help of the cards, and do a ritual with this Full Moon to aid in your path at this moment.

Set up Sacred space with a Candle, as you do this three-card pull from the Sacred Mothers and Goddesses Oracle Deck to establish the energies you are working with at the moment: 

Remember, abundance manifests in countless ways. As you ask each question, remain open to insights about various forms of prosperity. 

After drawing each card, take a moment to reflect on the goddess or energy represented. Consider how her wisdom applies to various forms of abundance in your life. Does she speak to emotional richness, material wealth, spiritual fulfillment, or perhaps a combination?

This approach allows for a more holistic reading, reminding you that abundance isn’t limited to just one aspect of life. The universe may be guiding you towards unexpected areas of growth and prosperity. Trust your intuition as you interpret the cards’ messages, and remain open to abundance flowing into your life in surprising and multifaceted ways.

  1. In what area of my life (love, finance, friendship, health, etc.) is abundance trying to flow, but I may be overlooking or resisting it? (Draw a card for the answer)
  2. How can I align with this Full Moon’s energy to invite more abundance – in any of its diverse forms – into my life? (Draw a card for the answer)
  3. What action can I take to open myself more fully to receiving abundance in all its expressions? (Draw a card for the answer)
  4. Cleanse your cards, and wash your hands in running water first with salt (protection), then with Cinnamon (abundance) before you perform the
     Full Moon Abundance Ritual below.

    Helping your Abundance flow with an Herbal Protection Bag


  • Small cloth bag (preferably white or gold)
  • 5 herbs: Basil (prosperity), Lavender (peace), Cinnamon (success), Rosemary (protection), Bay Leaf (wishes)
  • String or ribbon
  • Paper and pen

Ritual Steps:

  1. Cleanse your space, prepare your altar, place the items in a way that honors each one (ie-on a pretty plate, cloth).
  2. Under the Full Moon, write down any blocks to abundance you wish to release on a small piece of paper.
  3. Hold the paper to your heart and say something like: “I acknowledge these blocks and choose to release them, making space for abundance in all forms.”
  4. Tear the paper into small pieces and burn them. Toss the ashes in the trash, or in toilet.
  5. Now write down all the things you are wanting to manifest that are in direct opposition to what you burned. Write it as an affirmation. Add to the bag with a blessing and a prayer that can be something like “I am grateful for all the abundance and prosperity that has come into my life”. Imagine these things in your mind’s eye.
  6. Add a pinch of each herb to the bag, focusing on their properties:
    • Basil: “I invite prosperity in all areas of my life.”
    • Lavender: “I cultivate peace to receive abundance freely.”
    • Cinnamon: “I welcome success in my endeavors.”
    • Rosemary: “I am protected as I open to abundance.”
    • Bay Leaf: “My wishes for abundance manifest.”
  7. Tie the bag closed with the string or ribbon, knotting three times and saying with each knot: “I am open to receiving abundance in all its forms.” “I trust in the universe’s infinite supply.”
  8. Hold the bag up to the moonlight and say: “Blessed by the Full Moon , this bag now holds the power to transmute blocks into blessings.”
  9. Hang the bag from a branch outside your home, in a discreet location not visible to others. Let it remain there for one full moon cycle.

As you perform this ritual, remember that the Pisces Full Moon amplifies our intuition and emotional sensitivity. Use this energy to connect deeply with your inner wisdom and the universal flow of abundance in all its forms. Release any fears or doubts about your worthiness, and allow Lakshmi’s generous spirit to fill your life with prosperity, joy, and richness in every aspect of your existence.


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