Goddess Yellow Tara is definitely one of the most known goddesses in Tibetan Buddhism. She is known as being the goddess of both prosperity and wealth and can increase the wealth of those that call on her. One can call on her as a representation of success and good fortune as well...
Category: Uncategorized
Traditional Egyptian Fattah Inspired by Bastet
Egyptian cat goddess, Bastet, used to be known in relation to the lioness and the sun, but overtime became both the cat and moon goddess. She is the daughter of the sun god Rah, being the most favorite daughter, resulting in possessing the all-seeing Eye of Horus. Bastet is simila...
Orange Chicken Inspired by Artemis
Greek goddess Artemis is known for being the goddess of both the moon and the hunt. She brightens the darkness and helps to bring light to our paths. Artemis is known very well for keeping her virginity and being extremely independent. She made her own choices and lived the life t...
Aztec Chicken with Sweet Potato-Corn Mash Inspired by Tlazolteotl
Moon Goddess Tlazolteotl is the pardoner of sins to the Aztecs. She is known as the Eater of Filth and also known for being very powerful, which is why the Aztecs revealed their sins to. In order to become pure of their sins, the Aztecs made numerous sacrifices to in Tlazolteotl's...
Pomegranate Vinaigrette Dressing Inspired by Hera
Greek goddess Hera is the Goddess of both women and marriage. She was the daughter of Cronus and Rhea, while also the older sister and wife of Zeus. Hera represents renewal and has been known to be one of the most beautiful goddesses.When Zeus fathered Heracles with a mortal woman...
Dark Chocolate Brownies & Aphrodite
Greek Goddess Aphrodite is commonly known as the Goddess of Love, Beauty, Sexual Pleasure and Desire! As Valentine's Day approaches, we will be calling on Goddess Aphrodite while making Dark Chocolate Brownies!Aphrodite was born from the foam that was caused by a splash from the s...