This New Moon in Taurus, we are reminded of the abundant energy available for us to manifest wealth and prosperity in our lives. This week's card from the Sacred Mothers and Goddesses Oracle deck is Yellow Tara, a powerful Goddess associated with wealth, prosperity, and abundance.Yellow Tara is ofte...
Category: Uncategorized
Happy Beltane with Goddess Brigid!
Honor Goddess Brigid for a blessed Spring & Summer!
Beltane is a festival that marks the beginning of summer in the Celtic calendar, a time of fertility, growth, and abundance where one of the most prominent Goddesses associated with this festival is Brigid, a triple goddess of fire, poetry, a...
Mary Magdalene, Maria Magdalena, La Magda
Mary Magdalene holds a significant place in Christian history, often associated with themes of the Sacred Feminine and spiritual leadership.The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, also known as the Gospel of Mary, is a non-canonical text attributed to her. It was not included in the canonical Bible and was hi...
Ritual for Release and Transformation with Goddess Tlazolteotl
This ritual incorporates elements of ancient Mesoamerican traditions, including a Sacred Cacao ceremony which has both heart-opening and healing properties; an Altar offering with corn as a symbol of abundance and nourishment and color candles each with ...
The Moirai, “The Weavers of Fate”.
The Moirai, "The Weavers of Fate". The Moirai consisted of three sisters: Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. Clotho, the spinner who spins the thread of life; Lachesis, the measurer who determines the length of one's life; and Atropos, the cutter who chooses the moment of death. Toget...
Brigid Imbolc Celebration
On Imbolc, I will set up an Altar for Brigid, and welcome Brigid's sculpture to our Sacred Mothers and Goddesses Collection with homemade butter to bless and "fertilize" this new Altar Art for Brigid.It is said that Goddess Brigid would travel around farms all over Ireland with her ...