Kateri Tekakwitha
[ Sacred Mothers and Goddesses ]

Being Your Authentic Self

Kateri Tekakwitha

Honor your authenticity and explore how fully expressing your individuality can serve the greater good, we are each a thread of gorgeous and very needed color for this beautiful tapestry which is our planet.

Embracing Your Unique Self

It’s time to celebrate your uniqueness. We thrive most when we shine brightly as our true self without worrying about fitting into conventional molds.

 Reflect on what makes you distinct and how your unique qualities can contribute positively to the world around you.

Kateri Tekakwitha  an Example of Authentic Living

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, the first Native American saint, embodies the essence of living authentically. Known for her deep spirituality and commitment to her beliefs, Kateri lived a life true to her values despite the challenges she faced.

  • Authentic Path: Kateri chose to follow her spiritual path with unwavering dedication, even when it meant diverging from her tribe’s traditional practices. Her commitment to her faith and her dedication to helping others reflect her deep authenticity.
  • Community Impact: She lived her life in a way that served both her community and her personal beliefs. Kateri’s life was a testament to the power of living one’s truth and the positive impact it can have on others.

Ideas to Harness the Energy and Power of your own uniqueness:

  1. Full Moon Water: Create Full Moon water. Place a cleansed clear glass jar or bowl of water outside under the moonlight or on a windowsill where it can absorb the Moon’s energy. This water can be used for cleansing, rituals, and spells –  you can use it for ceremoniously giving in food or drink to an ill person, plant, or animal, or drinking to connect to the Moon’s qualities of clarity and insight.
  2. Burn all that no longer serves you: Use Bay leaves, or small pieces of paper to write all that no longer serves you, burn it in the light of the Moon. (Join me on TikTok at 8:PM for Cards and Community burning of leaves)
  3. Journaling: Write about your unique strengths and how you will consciously allow your unique self to shine forth, not dimming your authentic light, being truly you . Consider how you can integrate your individuality into your daily life and community service.
  4. Community Service: Engage in actions that help your community, whether it’s picking up trash on your daily walks, volunteering at your local school, library, soup kitchen, offering your skills, or simply spreading kindness with smiles and helping hands when you are out in the everyday.

Oracle Card Pull and Altar offering ideas

To guide you in embracing your unique self and living authentically:

Card 1:  What am I not seeing within myself that needs to be expressed more openly and authentically?

Card 2:  How can I  better embrace and express my unique qualities?

Card 3:   What steps can I take to live more authentically in my daily life?

As you pull the cards, look at the images, write down the first things that you think about even if they don’t make sense. Don’t try to figure it all out immediately, write down your thoughts and reflect on their messages and how they resonate with your journey toward authenticity and shining your light as this is the only true way you can be truly experience joy in your life.

Creating a Kateri Tekakwitha Altar

Honoring Kateri Tekakwitha can be a meaningful way to connect with her energy of authenticity. Here are some items you might include on her altar:

  1. Lily Flowers: Symbolic of purity and spiritual beauty, lilies reflect Kateri’s own pure and devoted spirit.
  2. Sacred Heart: A symbol of her deep love and commitment to her faith.
  3. Items from Her Tribe: Representing her cultural heritage, such as beads, feathers, or traditional artifacts.
  4. Candles: To represent the light she brought into the world through her authenticity and spiritual dedication.

Incorporate these elements into your altar to honor Kateri’s legacy and seek inspiration from her example.


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