• Eurydice necklace
  • Eurydice necklace
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Eurydice Nymph, Oak Tree Dryad Primal Energy, Justice, Seer of Oracles. Classic Elegance Pendant Necklace


Independence and Empowerment



Nymph, Oak Tree Dryad
Primal Energy, Justice, Seer of Oracles.

Eurydice was a beautiful Dryad, a Greek nymph, and the daughter of the God Apollo. She is the most well known of all the Dryads, as she has a tragic romance story that has been portrayed in Operas, poems, movies, and more. 

Dryads are beautiful female Spirits that live inside of a tree, they are the soul of the tree. Dryads are able to leave their tree, and some come even “move” inhabiting different trees making them their homes; they often fall in love with human men, who are attracted to her natural beauty and magic. 

Eurydice fell in love with Orpheus, a singer, musician, and poet, but soon after they were married, Eurydice died tragically when bitten by a snake. Distraught with grief, Orpheus descended into the underworld to find her, and plead with Hades and Persephone for her return; he played haunting music, bereft with grief so compelling, that he convinced Hades to allow him to leave with Eurydice. He is given strict instructions that as he leaves the Underworld, he must not glance back at Eurydice until they are safely in the upper world; if he broke his word, she would descend once again into the Underworld.  However, after their long voyage back up, and as they neared the earth’s rim, an excited Orpheus looked behind at his wife just as he stepped into the Upper World, but not thinking that she was slightly behind him, still not having reached the Upper World, and she falls again into the darkness of the Underworld.
 â€˜No reproach passed her lips’, wrote Ovid in his Metamorphoses, because Eurydice now knew for certain that Orpheus loved her unconditionally.

Orpheus goes on to perform the saddest music in the world, grieving for his beloved, until he is murdered by muses of Dionysus who could not endure any more sadness, this way he is able to travel back to the Underworld to spend Eternity with Eurydice (when I read this story, I could not help but think of the movie “What Dreams May Come”!). 

Dryads will only birth female Dryads, if a boy, he will have to be given to his human father to raise, The female Dryad will live with her mother until 12, when she gets her powers, and is transported to her own tree where she conjoins her soul with that of the tree for the rest of their lives. 

Among the Dryads there are several different types associated with different kinds of trees. The most common are the Hamadryads, born within oak and poplar trees;  Eurydice was a Hamadryad, these Dryads die when their tree is destroyed. There are also the ancient Meliai, found in Ash trees, whom men married during the Silver Age before the first woman was created, these are believed to be the originators of mankind. There are the Oreiades, who dwell in mountain pines, the Moari, who inhabit Mulberry trees, the Daphnaie who inhabit Laurel trees, and more.

All my art is made with great intention and prayer to bring you Love, Peace, and Joy.

*Large necklace 32×42 mm

*Small necklace 20x27mm

*Brown leather cord 18 in.
*Black leather cord 18 in.
*Black eco vegan leather cord 18 in.
*Silver plated flat chain 24 in.
*Silver plated snake chain 18 in.

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Love & Light,


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Additional information

Pendant Size

Large 32 x 42 mm, Small 20 x 27 mm

Chain or Cord

Black Eco Vegan leather Cord Rodhium Plated Sterling Silver Lobster Clasp 18 in, Black Tateossian Italian Leather, Rodhium Plated Sterling Silver Lobster Clasp 18 in, Brown Tateossian Italian Leather, Rodhium Plated Sterling Silver Lobster Clasp 18 in., Silver Plated Flat Chain 24 in, Silver Plated Snake Chain 24 in

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