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La Espiritu Orgonite Sculpture


9 in stock



La Espiritu

Molded in Organite by Sergio from my clay sculpture, she is the one to guide you on your Camino. She is uniquely yours and thus represents something different for each individual. She embodies the Divine Feminine. She is wise, mother, queen, grandmother, warrior, protectress.  For some it may represent an ancestor, or all of your ancestors, an angel, an archangel, an abuelita, the Holy Spirit, a spirit, a fairy, a guardian angel, an alien guide. She is who she is because of you, your needs, wants and desires. She is your guide in the stories of each of these paintings and she is also a guide for your dreamworld. Place her on your bedside next to your dream journal, take her with you when you do regressions, Akashic records work, Hypnotherapy, etc. She is your personal and powerful Mother Spirit whose energy is always resonating and vibrating to yours. 

Orgone, like Prana and Chi, is the cosmic energy found throughout nature and in all living things.  Made with resin and layered with precious metals and organic materials, Orgonite is a powerful way to tap into this life energy. Each of our Orgonite sculptures is a OOAK (one of a kind) sculpture made by Sergio using molds of Claudia’s clay sculptures from the “Sacred Mothers and Goddesses Collection”, each featuring stones and other materials related to each particular goddess and her personal symbol/talisman.  


Obsidian is associated with strength. Many ancient tools, such as arrowheads, knives, and spear heads were crafted from obsidian. It is found all over the world, and is noted to have been used by the Aztecs in their weaponry.

Clear Quartz

Found worldwide, quartz is one of the most common minerals. Ancient cultures, such as the Romans, revered it.

All my art is made with great intention and prayer to bring you Love, Peace, and Joy.

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Aphrodite Orgonite

Aphrodite Orgonite Pink, Aphrodite Orgonite Red