• Hathor Classic Elegance Large
  • Hathor Pendant
  • Hathor
  • Size Reference
  • cof
  • Hathor
  • cof

Hathor Classic Elegance Pendant Necklace


Celebrate Life



Goddess Pendant

Hathor, the daughter of the sun god Rah and the moon goddess Nut, was a mother figure who nurtured Horus the new Sun, who rose and set in her sky. Egyptian Hathor is a moon goddess of the Underworld, fertility, the arts, romantic love, dance, wine, and music. She represents the energy of the divine feminine in both women and men.

Those in her service were trained as dancers, artists, musicians, and healers. Hathor enjoyed great popularity as the mistress of enjoyment and celebration. She was known to use powdered malachite to color her eyes for her celebrations, including her birthday on the first day of the first month of the Egyptian year. On this day, priestesses honored the spirit of Hathor. They dressed beautifully, painting their eyes with udju, made from green malachite, and kohl, made from galena, and celebrated life with festivities from the rising of the sun and deep into the night.

A goddesses of the sensual aspects of femininity and procreation, she is known as the Mistress of Life who celebrates living with gusto. In connection to astrology, she is known as the Celestial Cow (the Milky Way galaxy). As the mistress of Heaven, she carries the deceased there on her back (or the magick ladder that would take them there) where they’re revived and welcomed. She is represented in ancient Theban tombs embracing the deceased as she welcomes them to the afterlife with food and wine.

“Honor your life by tapping your activities and surrounding yourself with people that make you feel glad to be alive…”

All my art is made with great intention and prayer to bring you Love, Peace, and Joy.

*Large necklace 32×42 mm

*Small necklace 20x27mm

*Brown leather cord 18 in.
*Black leather cord 18 in.
*Black eco vegan leather cord 18 in.
*Silver plated flat chain 24 in.
*Silver plated snake chain 18 in.

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Love & Light,


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Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Pendant Size

Large 32 x 42 mm, Small 20 x 27 mm

Chain or Cord

Black Eco Vegan leather Cord Rodhium Plated Sterling Silver Lobster Clasp 18 in, Black Tateossian Italian Leather, Rodhium Plated Sterling Silver Lobster Clasp 18 in, Brown Tateossian Italian Leather, Rodhium Plated Sterling Silver Lobster Clasp 18 in., Silver Plated Flat Chain 24 in, Silver Plated Snake Chain 24 in

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