The Sacred Dance of Time
Before modern calendars divided our lives into rigid boxes, our ancestors moved to a different rhythm – one guided by the eternal dance of Sun and Moon. They understood that time flows in cycles rather than straight lines, each turn of the wheel bringing its own magic, wisdom, and opportunities for connection with Spirit, God, All that is.
The Solar Wheel (Sabbats) has eight Sacred festivals which mark the Sun’s journey through the year. These Sabbats honor the changing seasons, the cycles of planting and harvest, of light and shadow:
- Yule (Winter Solstice): The rebirth of the Sun
- Imbolc: First stirrings of Spring
- Ostara (Spring Equinox): Perfect balance of light and dark
- Beltane: Peak of Spring’s fertility
- Litha (Summer Solstice): The height of light
- Lughnasadh: First harvest celebration
- Mabon (Autumn Equinox): Balance returns
- Samhain: The thin veil between worlds
The Moon’s Journey (Esbats) Thirteen times a year, the Moon completes her cycle from dark to full and back again. These Esbats offer monthly opportunities for magical workings:
- New Moon: Setting intentions
- Waxing Moon: Building energy
- Full Moon: Peak power and manifestation
- Waning Moon: Release and reflection
- Dark Moon: Rest and renewal
Living in Sacred time brings its own energy for different types of work, celebration, and spiritual practice. This planner helps you weave these sacred rhythms into modern life, creating space for both practical planning and magical intention.
Let these pages guide you in dancing between worlds – honoring ancient wisdom while walking in modern times. As you track appointments and tasks, remember that you are part of something greater: the eternal spiral dance of seasons, moons, and sacred celebrations.
Welcome to your journey through 2025, where everyday planning becomes a sacred act.