• Bastet Frente 3
  • Bastet Small 1
  • Bastet 1 4 Izquierdo 4
  • Bastet Perfil Izquierdo1
  • Bastet 3 4 Left 2
  • Bastet Detraz 2
  • Bastet 3 4 Right 5
  • Bastet Perfil Derecho 4
  • Bastet 1 4 Right 3
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  • Bastet Perfil Izquierdo2
  • Bastet Perfil Derecho 3
  • Bastet Frente 1
  • Bastet 1 4 Izquierdo 5
  • Bastet 3 4 Left 1
  • Bastet Perfil Derecho 2
  • Bastet 1 4 Izquierdo 1
  • Bastet Frente 9
  • Bastet 3 4 Right 4
  • Bastet 3 4 Left 3
  • Bastet 1 4 Right 5
  • Bastet 1 4 Right 4
  • Bastet 1 4 Right 1
  • Bastet 1 4 Izquierdo 3
  • Bastet Frente 8

Bastet Orgonite Sculpture


5 in stock



Goddess Bastet/Bast. Guardian and Protectress

Bastet is an ancient Egyptian goddess who was worshipped as a goddess of protection, fertility, and motherhood. She was often depicted as a woman with the head of a cat, and was associated with the sun, the moon, and the stars.
Our OOAK resin organite sculptures of goddess Bastet are perfect for an altar honoring her. These sculptures are made with love and intention, and are infused with the energy of Bastet. They can help you connect with her energy and receive her blessings.
If you’re looking for spell work to do with Bastet, there are many options. One popular spell is a protection spell using Bastet’s energy. To do this spell, you will need a small statue or image of Bastet, a candle, and some protective herbs such as sage or rosemary.
Begin by lighting the candle and placing it next to the statue or image of Bastet. Take a few deep breaths and visualize a protective energy surrounding you. Then, sprinkle the protective herbs around the base of the statue or image.
As you do this, say the following incantation:
“Goddess Bastet, protector of the home,
Wrap me in your loving embrace,
Shield me from all harm and danger,
And keep me safe in your eternal grace.”
Repeat this incantation three times, and then sit quietly for a few minutes, visualizing the protective energy surrounding you.
If you’re looking for a love and seduction spell, you can also call on Bastet’s energy. To do this spell, you will need a red candle, some rose petals, and a piece of paper and pen.
Begin by lighting the red candle and placing it on your altar. Then, write down your intentions for the spell on the piece of paper. Be specific about what you want to manifest in your love life.
Next, sprinkle the rose petals around the candle and say the following incantation:
“Goddess Bastet, goddess of love and fertility,
I call on your energy to bring love into my life.
May my heart be open to receive the love I desire,
And may my life be filled with joy and pleasure.”
Repeat this incantation three times, and then sit quietly for a few minutes, visualizing your intentions coming true.
 Bastet was often associated with cats, so you could offer catnip or other cat-related items on your altar. You could also offer flowers, incense, or candles.
 Remember, she is a powerful goddess who can help you with protection, love, and fertility.

Bastet (Ubastat, perfumed protectress) Egyptian cat goddess, also known as Bast, when she was associated with the Sun and the lioness. Over the years, she also became known as Bastet, the cat Goddess who is also a Moon and Perfume Goddess. She is the Protector of the hearth and home, cats and other domesticated animals as well as women and children. She has the ability to transform into a fierce warrior when brought to anger. Cunning and lightning flash to action, she is a powerful protectress. As a creature of the night, She sees through the veil and is able to ward off evil spirits and she is especially known to ward off fire in the physical and metaphysical (She is the Patroness of firefighters).

She is also well known for her sensuality and love of music, dance and physical pleasure. She loves to see us enjoy life. She is a Goddess of perfume, as the hieroglyph that spells her name also spells the word, ‘bas jar’ ; the name of the container used to hold expensive oils and perfumes.

Orgone, like Prana and Chi, is the cosmic energy found throughout nature and in all living things.  Made with resin and layered with precious metals and organic materials, Orgonite is a powerful way to tap into this life energy. Each of our Orgonite sculptures is a OOAK (one of a kind) sculpture made by Sergio using molds of Claudia’s clay sculptures from the “Sacred Mothers and Goddesses Collection”, each featuring stones and other materials related to each particular goddess and her personal symbol/talisman.  

Each Orgonite sculpture is OOAK and has been created with copper, aluminum, Amethyst and Lapis Lazuli. Each Bastet sculpture comes with Bastet‘s Spirit Animal (Talisman, Totem), the Cat.


An important metal throughout all of mankind’s history, due to its softness and malleability. Used to create countless weapons and tools, it may have been the first metal human’s worked with. 

Lapis lazuli

Found in select parts of the world, namely Afghanistan and Chile, and in parts of Myanmar, Siberia, and the United States of America. It has always been treasured for its beauty, especially in ancient Sumer, where it was used for cylinder seals, with depictions of gods and goddesses etched upon them.


Revered for its beauty, the Ancient Greeks would often wear amethyst for protection against magic and drunkenness. It was fundamentally linked to Dionysus, the god of wine, as wine was often served in amethyst cups and beakers.  

All my art is made with great intention and prayer to bring you Love, Peace, and Joy.

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Aphrodite Orgonite

Aphrodite Orgonite Pink, Aphrodite Orgonite Red